
Blowfish tequila begins with the highest quality agave, grown under the sun in Mexico’s rich, coastal terrain. With long-term partnerships through 2035, we ensure a steady supply of mature agave—grown for 6 to 14 years before harvesting. The natural rhythms of drought, rain, and climate shape each plant, contributing to the unique flavor profile that defines Blowfish’s smooth, coastal essence.

Close to
The Heart

We are meticulous about our agave selection, choosing only those with a sugar content of at least 21 Brix, and ideally between 23 and 28 Brix for optimal sweetness. Harvested at the perfect time, our agave piñas are trimmed close to the heart, with a nearly white appearance to ensure a cleaner, smoother fermentation. This careful process eliminates any oily or waxy textures, delivering the pure, refined flavors that define the Blowfish tequila experience.



Our agave hearts are gently steam-roasted in traditional, thick stone-walled brick ovens (hornos) for 36 to 54 hours. This slow, time-honored process softens the fibers and transforms the carbohydrates into fermentable sugars, preserving the natural sweetness and mellow flavors of the agave. By combining horno-roasted and autoclave-cooked agave in a perfect 50/50 balance, we create a tequila that embodies the essence of coastal craftsmanship with every sip.

The Sugar

Our process begins with the careful extraction of sugar from the cooked agave using a traditional ‘molino’ mill. As the agave fibers pass through a series of milling cylinders, they’re gently squeezed to release the sweet, concentrated juice. Throughout this process, the fibers and juice are washed with de-ionized, reverse osmosis-treated water, ensuring purity. Inspired by sugar cane production, this method preserves the agave’s natural sweetness, contributing to Blowfish Tequila’s smooth and balanced coastal flavor.

Full Bodied

At Blowfish, we embrace a slow, deliberate fermentation process, lasting 48 to 60 hours, to enhance the full-bodied agave flavor. Using naturally occurring yeast, our agave juice, or ‘wort,’ ferments into a rich ‘beer’ with 5-9% alcohol content. While many mass-produced tequilas rush fermentation in just 10-12 hours, our slower approach creates a more complex and robust flavor, capturing the essence of the coastal agave in every sip.